Thesis Supervision

In progress


Giménez Federico  – cv
Doctorate Degree in Social Sciences, Department of Political and Social Sciences, National University of Cuyo, Argentina.
Theme: «Efficiency and coverage at the public health system level. The case of public hospitals and health care centers in Mendoza, Argentina»
Date: In process

Nievas Claudia Mariela  – cv
Doctorate Degree, National University of Córdoba, Argentina.
Theme: «Health care system análisis in La Rioja, Argentina. Looking for a path to the Universal Health Coverage»
Date: In process


Mariela Cagliolo – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Theme: “Behavioral nutritional changes in Argentinean households. 1997-2017
Date: In process

Florencia Quiroga
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Theme: «Access to effective prevention for uterus cancer in the city of Buenos Aires»
Date: In process



Crojethovic, María 
Doctor in Social Sciences. Social Sciences Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Botton up. Building public health policies, and the definition of informality in health management.”
Date: 2010


Alonso, Valeria 
Masters in Health and Social Sciences CEDES-FLACSO.
Title: «Equity and de-regulation in Argentina during the 90s. Consumption of prescriptive medicines in the Great Buenos Aires Area.”
Date: 2003

Apella, Ignacio  
Masters in Economics. Economics Department. University of Buenos Aires.
Title: “Market structure and product differentiation. The case of private pension firms in Argentina.”
Date: November 2004

Blanco, Patricia – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: ”How stakeholder coalition was used to overcome constraints in the design and implementation of the Cancer National Plan 2018-2022, by the National Cancer Institute in Argentina.”

Date: April 2022

Braga, Romina – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Public health characteristics and perceptions on primary health care provision in the Southern area of the city of Buenos Aires.”
Date; May 2019

Caporale, Joaquín  
Masters in Subnational Public Finances, Economics Department, National University of La Plata.
Title: «Socioeconomic evaluation of treating Type 2 Diabetes in Argentina. A cost-effectiveness analysis. »
Date: 2009

Colacilli, Florencia – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Normative analysis and current situation of programs devoted to address breast cancer in Argentina.”
Date: May 2019

Crojethovic, María  – cv
Masters in Economic Sociology – IDAES / UNSAM
Title: “Ceremonial activities and concrete practices in hospital organizations. The case for public hospitals at the city of Buenos Aires.”
Date: 2012

Estévez, Sofía –  cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Access to contraceptive methods in women between 18 and 49 years old in Argentina.”
Date: May 2020

Galperín, Isabel – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Challenges to include subdermal implants as a method to reduce adolescent pregnancy in the city of Buenos Aires.”
Date: April 2020

García Díaz, Milagros –  cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Non-communicable diseases in Argentina. Behavioral and policy analysis.”
Date: April 2023

Gercovich, Daniela
MBA Health, Universidad de San Andrés
Title: «Franchising oncologic treatments in Argentina. »
Date: August 2023

Giménez, Luis Federico   –  cv
Masters program at the General San Martín National University. 
Title: «Monitoring and performance of public hospitals in the province of Mendoza. »
Dte: December 2015

Grondona, Vicente – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: «Human capital, technology and rural productivity. Analyzing the impact of the project “Modernization of the tertiary net of Rio Mendoza”.
Date: April 2017

Haimovich, Agustina B. – cv
Masters in Public Health, University of Buenos Aires
Title: «Access to medicines and the role of the State after  the “convertibility” macroeconomic program.»
Date: October 2017

Herrera, Agustina – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Inequitable access to water and sanitation services in the Norwest Region in the Great Buenos Aires: José C. Paz, Malvinas Argentinas y San Miguel.”
Date: April 2022

Imposti, Lucia –  cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Inclusion through sports.”
Date: April 2022

Iribarne Dávalos, Luis – cv
MBA, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Managerial practices in the Moron Hospital’s pharmacy.”
Date: October 2020

Kijak, Florencia cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: «Urban bicycle system in the city of Buenos Aires. Stakeholders’ behavior. »
Date: 2022

Kremer, Pedro  
Masters on Health and Social Sciences – CEDES / FLACSO
Title: «Remediar program: The voice of physicians at the health care centers. »
Date: 2006

Levy Daniel, Maia – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Non-consented pornography in Argentina: criminalization analysis.”
Date: April 2018

Llerena, Rafael – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Professional education in Argentina. Contributions to a model of inclusive development with enhanced human capital.”
Date: April 2018

Morales, Victoria – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Health status’ perception and behavioral patterns towards the health care system. The case of the city of Buenos Aires.”
Date: May 2019

Navia, Fernanda –  cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Titlr: “Building efficiency and equity indicators in the city of Buenos Aires.”
Date: May 2019

Novick, Uriel
MBA Health, University of San Andrés
Title: «Go-to-patient models in treating benign brain cancer»
Date: August 2023

Pagniez, Macarena – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Diagnostic and perception of effective implementation due to changes in social programs’ strategies: from “Ingreso Social con Trabajo” to “Programa Hacemos Futuro”.”
Date: June 2020

Paniagua, Cecilia – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: «Access to dignified housing. Suggesting solutions to the habitat deficit in Argentina. »
Date: April 2017

Perri, Erika – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Perception of quality of care in inpatients attending private hospitals. The case of the city of Buenos Aires.”
Date: April 2023

Rodriguez, Camila – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Overweight in Argentina: a persistent epidemic.”

Sanchez, Brenda – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Determinants of school failures under vulnerable conditions. A case study of Young students in Barrio 31.”
Date: May 2019

Scaglia, Gisela – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Does global health matter? World leaders’ agenda before pandemic. The case of the G-20.”
Date: April 2023.

Shill, Chloe cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: «Social programs, formal education system’s insertion and outcomes. The case of DACA in the USA.«.
Date: April 2017

Solano Gomez, Maria Teresa  – cv
Masters in Design and Management of Public Policies. Latin American University of Social Sciences.
Title: «Nutritional policies in Colombia.»
Date: April 2016

Spiller, Elisheba – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: «Education and contamination. The Riachuelo impact. »
Date: 2006

Suárez, Patricia – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Trajectories of the “Hacemos Futuro” social program. Exit conditions and labor inclusion.”
Date: April 2018

Tres, Melina – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Plant-based diets and colorectal cancer.”
Date: April 2020

Vanegas Ayelén – cv
Masters in Public Policies, Torcuato Di Tella University
Title: “Social health insurance in Argentina: are they a protection against poverty?”
Date: May 2018


Comabella, Emilio Muiña   – cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Energy crisis and related costs in Argentina.”
Date: 2004

Cornejo, Leonela  – cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “The Yerba Mate market in Argentina.”
Date: 2005

Da Rosa, Daniela  – cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Wage gaps in the Argentinean health care systems: A regional and gender perspective.”
Date: July 2020

David, Franco Andrés – cv 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “The impact of price commissions in the demand of financial credit in Argentina.”
Date: 2013

ElHaiek, Miguel
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: «Discographic industry in Argentina: Structure, technological change and competitive strategies.»
Date: December 2016

Fernández Graziano, Mariano
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Innovation as a firms’ strategy driver. The case of the car industry in Argentina during the nineties.”
Date: 2006

Gamarra, Esteban  – cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Domestic airline industry: regulatory changes, concentration and Price changes, 2013-2019.”
Date: 2004

Garcia Gonzalo – cv 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Car insurance market in Argentina.”
Date: 2013

Gold, Agustín  
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: «Strategic behavior of national and multinational pharmaceutical firms before and after the patent law approval in Argentina.»
Date: 2014

Iñarra ,Valeria 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: «Public health system and labor market evolution in the Great Buenos Aires area.»
Date: June 2017

Jourdan, Martín  – cv 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Supermarket industry in Argentina. An industrial organization perspective.”
Date: 2011

Kurtzbart, Rafael 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Economic impact of the generic prescription law no. 25.649/02 in Argentina.”
Date: 2005

Murat, Sasha   – cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Changing food consumption patterns in Argentina over time. A household surveys’ analysis.”
Date: December 2020

Peralta, Esteban  – cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Private pensions’ market in Argentina: Economies of scale or methodological challenge.”
Date: 2005

Pertierra, Nicolás – cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: «Health care access of informal workers in Argentina. The case of Social Insurance Institute of the Popular Economy (OSTEP).»
Date: March 2017

Pettinari, Tomás Agustín cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: «The soy boom, (1980-2012) beyond international prices.»
Date: 2014

Pizzo, Carolina – cv 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Health access inequities. Preventive v curative consultations.”
Date: 2013

Reynoso, Ana  
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Firms’ exit in the financial bank market after the 1995 crisis. An industrial organization perspective.”
Date: 2007

Rodriguez, Diego Hernan  – cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: «Real estate investments in residential areas of the city of Buenos Aires.»
Date: 2014

Rodríguez, Mariana   
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Efficiency evaluation in primary health care provision: Data involvement analysis and stochastic frontier.”
Date: 2008

Romero, Luciana  – cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Does economic concentration in the food-production industry affects the indigence rate?”
Date: December 2019

Rousseaux, Bárbara – cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: »Economics and religion.»
Date: May 2017

Sackmann, Inés  – cv 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Public hospitals’ outcomes in the city of Buenos Aires.”
Fecha: 2013

Seillant, Alejo  – cv 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “The market of Portland cement in Argentina. A non-cooperative game theory approach.”
Date: 2008

Tella Arduino, Federico Guillermo  –cv
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: «The interaction between superior education and the creation of scientific-technological knowledge in Argentina.»
Date: 2014

Urrutia, Marilina  
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: «Incentives, contracts and payment mechanisms in the health care system in Neuquén, Argentina.»
Date: 2010

Virgilio, Federico M.  – cv 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “Economic evaluation of a telemedicine system in a high complexity pediatric hospital. The case of virtual diagnosis at the Garraham Hospital.”
Date: 2014

Vodicar, Romina 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: “New Industrial Organization applied to the wine industry in Argentina during the nineties: The quality paradigm.”
Date: 2009

Yeyati Preiss, Lara 
Bachelor Degree in Economics, Economics Department, University of Buenos Aires
Title: «Child Care in the city of Buenos Aires.”
Date: July 2020