Research in progress

”Health Financing in Low and Middle Income Countries. A Textbook”

Co-Editor, DeGruyters Publishers, United Kingdom. January-December 2023.

“Population Needs, Healthcare Coverage and the Environment. The Role of the Matanza-Riachuelo Regional Authority (ACUMAR)”,

Senior Researcher, ACUMAR-Arturo Jauretche University, May-November 2023.

“Financing Health Care Systems’ High Costs. Learnings for the Argentine Case”,

Senior Researcher, The World Bank. December 2022 – August 2023.

“Strengthening Agency and Learnings on Health Systems in the Americas”

Co-Principal Investigator. Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). March 2021- March 2027.

Analyzing the Organization of Health Care Services by Lines of Care. The Case of Oncopediatrics in Argentina”.

Senior Researcher, The World Bank. February-December 2022

“Evolution of Formal Health Coverage during the Pandemic. Notes for a Strategic Debate about the links between Health Care and Labor Markets in Argentina”.

Senior Researcher. Foundation for the Argentine Development (Fundar), August 2021-May 2022.

“Fiscal Space Study to expand Health Care Services. The Case of Jamaica”,

Consultant, Pan American Health Organization. May-September 2022.

“An agenda for action. Transitioning to a Healthy Sustainable Food System in Latin America”.

Co-Principal Investigator. International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canadá. January-December 2021.

“Fiscal Space Study to expand the National Health Insurance. The Case of Belize”,

Consultant, Pan American Health Organization. December 2021 – May 2022.

“Out of Pocket Expenditures as Key Indicator to Measuring Equity and Systemic Quality. The Case of Argentina”.

Senior Researcher. Foundation for the Argentine Development (Fundar), Mayo 2021-March 2022.

“Nutrition and Food Security. Policy Design in the Argentine Case”

Senior Researcher. Foundation for the Argentine Development (Fundar), February-December 2021.

“Future Health Spending and Patterns of Treatments in Latin America and the Caribbean”,

Senior Researcher. Johns Hopkins University –Interamerican Development Bank, September 2020- September 2021.