Publications in journals without standarized peer-review

(E): English, (S): Spanish

  • “Adherence of the subdermal anticonceptive implant in adolescents in Argentina. An Impact Study” (co-author). National Ministry of Health and Social Development. (S)
  • “Challenges of the Argentine Health System,” Voces del Phoenix, (VII), August 2011 (S)
  • “How to strengthen health service networks. The case of the Province of Salta”, The ITAES Magazine, Volume 13, Number 2, June 2011.
  • “The challenge of coordinating efforts in Health Policy” in Agenda Publica, CIPPEC Magazine. Year 3, Nº 4, 2010 (S)
  • “A growing social debt” in Agenda Publica, CIPPEC Magazine. Year 2, Nº 3, 2009 (S)
  • “Convergence of funds: the biggest challenge of the health system in Argentina”, in Entorno Económico de Cuyo. Nº42, June 2009. (S)
  • “Key linkages among different systems”, Mercado Magazine, August 2009.
  • “Coordination: a strategy to overcome the fragmentation of the health system”. Labor Legislativa, Space given to NGOs,. Year II, Nº15, Agoust 2009 (S)
  • “Challenges of the Health System in Argentina”, Mercado Magazine, Analysis, Perspective, Buenos Aires, June 2009. (S)
  • “Analysis of the relationship between insurance, contracting and payment mechanisms. The cases of Salta, Tucuman and Cordoba”. Revista ADECRA, pp. 12-15, August 2009. (S)
  • “Unequal Access to Services in Argentina. Water and Sewage”, Public Policies, Hydria Magazine, Year 3, Nº13, October 2007. (S)