International working papers

(E): English, (S): Spanish

  • “The political economy of health reforms: a model to evaluate actors and strategies”, Health Technical Note No. 2/2007, Social Development Division, Sustainable Development Department, Inter-American Development Bank, March 2007. (S)
  • “Health Reforms and Interest Groups in Latin America”, Health Technical Note No. 1/2007, Social Development Division, Sustainable Development Department, Inter-American Development Bank, March 2007. (S)
  • “Analysis of the Remediar Program: Notes for monitoring and Evaluation”, Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE), Inter-American Development Bank, Working Paper Nº 09, Washington, September, 2005. (S)
  • “Horizontal and Vertical Dimentions in Latin American Social Insurance Systems.”, Latin-American Initiatives (USAID-PAHO-PHR-FPMD-HSPH), Special Edition 3, 2001. (E-S)
  • “Social Sectors Reform in Latin America and the Role of Unions.”, (co-authored) Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department, Working Paper Series N.456, July 2001. (E)
  • “Utilization, Cost and Financing of District Health Services in Rwanda.”, (co-authored), PHR Working Paper Series, forthcoming, December 2000. (E)
  • “Analysis of International Mechanisms Supporting Immunization Programs: The Pan American Health Organization Revolving Fund.”, (co-authored), Document N.1, The Bill & Melinda Gates Children´s Vaccine Program (CVP) at the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), Abt. Associates, Bethesda, Maryland, December 2000. (E)
  • “Costs and Financing of Immunization Programs: Findings of Four Case Studies.”, (co-authored), Special Initiatives Synthesis Report N.26, Partnerships for Health Reform, Abt Associates, Bethesda MD, USA, May 2000. (E)
  • “Financing and the Expanded Program on Immunization in Colombia: Impact of Reform and
    Decentralization.”, (co-authored) Special Initiatives Report 23, Partnerships for Health Reform, Abt Associates, Bethesda MD, USA, January 2000. (E-S)
  • “Policy Primer: Decision Making for Equity in Health Sector Reform.”, (co-authored) Latin-American Initiatives (USAID-PAHO-PHR-FPMD-HSPH), Special Edition 2, December 1999. (E-S)
  • “Income Distribution and the Public-Private Mix in Health Care Provision: The Latin American Case.”, Working Paper N.391, Office of the Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC, USA, November 1998. (E)
  • “Provider Payment Mechanisms in Health Care: Incentives, Outcomes and Organizational Impact. Inputs for a Research Agenda in Developing Countries.”, Working Paper MAR2, Partnerships for Health Reform Project, Abt Associates, Bethesda MD, USA, September 1998. (E – S)
  • “Fragmentation and Incentives in Latin American and Caribbean Health Care Services.”, Working Paper N.335, Office of the Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC, USA, December 1996. (S)
  • “Industrial Re-Organization and Strategic Behavior in the Argentinean Automobile Industry, 1980-1993.”, Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean, Working Paper No. LC/R.1501, Santiago, Chile, February, 1995. (S)