Policy Making Process/Stakeholder Analysis
“Increasing Healthcare Access to Uncovererd Sectors: Strengthening Citizen Participation in Health Care Management, Alderetes, Tucumán”
Inter-American Foundation (IAF). August 2004 – June 2006.
“Mandatory HIV/AIDS Testing and Discrimination in the Argentine Labour Market”
World Bank –International Labour Organization. June 2005 – December 2005. abstract
“Provincial Social Insurance. The Case of Tierra del Fuego”
Argentine Chamber of Pharmaceutical Producers (CAEMe). August 2004 – May 2006. abstract
“Comportamiento Estratégico en el Mercado Argentino de AFJP”
Investigador Principal, Superintendencia de AFJP – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Septiembre – Diciembre 2004.
“Macroeconomic, Sectoral and Microeconomic Aspects for a National Strategy towards Development: The Industry of Automotive Parts and Componets in Argentina”
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2002 – February 2003.
“Evaluation of Health Reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean. An Analytical Framework”
Inter-American Development Bank. Social Sectors Strategy Department. February – July 2002.
“Immunization Financing in Colombia. Impact of Health Care Reform”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project / Pan-American Health Organization. Bethesda, MD, USA. November 1998 – February 2000. document
“Impact of Provider Payment Mechanisms in Developing Countries”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project. Bethesda MD, USA. June 1997 – February 2000. document | abstract
“Market Structure and Provider Payment Mechanisms in Health Care: Experiences from Mendoza, Argentina”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project. Bethesda, MD, USA. 1998 – 2000. document | abstract
“Primer on Equity in Health Care”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project. Bethesda, MD, USA. May 1998 – December 1999. document
“Evaluating the Argentine Program devoted to the Prevention and Early Detection of the Colorectal Cancer”
proposal abstract
“Evaluating the Program devoted to Prevent the Cervix-Uterus Cancer. The Case of the Province of Tucumán, Argentina”
proposal abstract
“International Prices in Pharmaceuticals, Retail Trade, Regulatory Framework and Social Security’s Discounts”
proposal abstract
“Social Security Institutions and their Discount Policies on Pharmaceuticals”
project abstract
“Effects of Aging in Argentina on the National Health Care System”
World Bank. November 2012-January 2014. see more