Policy Making Process/Stakeholder Analysis
“Result Based Financing in Latin America. Lessons for the Seguro Popular in México”
Consultant, Price Waterhouse Coopers. December 2013 – January 2014.
Identifying Public-Private Partnerships in the Production of Medicines. The Case of Argentina
Coordinador, Cámara Industrial de Laboratorios Faracéuticos Argentinos. Diciembre 2012 – Agosto 2013. abstract
“Assessment Methodology of Management Support Interventions in Social Insurance Systems in Developing Countries. The Case of Government Sponsored Health Insurance Schemes in India”
World Bank. November 2012 – July 2013. document | abstract
“Methodology for Measuring Reproductive and Maternal and Child Health Expediture in Latin America and the Caribbean”
Pan American Health Organization. December 2012 – March 2013.
“Structure and Performance of Perinatal Hospital Networks. The Case of the Province of Buenos Aires”
World Bank. April 2012 – September 2012
“Estructura y Financiamiento del Gasto en Salud Argentino y el Papel de las Obras Sociales de Personal de Dirección”
Coordinador, OSIM. Febrero – Diciembre 2012.
“Health Expediture and Future Scenarios”
OSIM. February 2012 – September 2012.
“Methodology for Estimating the Mandatory Health Medical Program in Argentina”
(Coordinator) Superintendent of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Argentina. August 2011 – January 2012.
“Public Production of Pharmaceuticals. Evaluating an Intervention Strategy”
Multicentric Collaborative Study (Coordinator). Ramón Carrillo–Arturo Oñativia Fellowship, Health Research Comission, Ministry of Health, Argentine Government. May 2009 – August 2010
“Basis for an Integrated Health Care System in Salta”
Alliance for Health System Research. January 2009 – November 2010
“Strategic Alliances for Health System Development in Alderetes, Tucumán”
Inter-American Foundation (IAF) 2008 – 2010.
“Results-Based Financing, Primary Health Care Program in Panama”
World Bank. June – August 2009.
“Costs Analysis of the Program on Integrated Care on HIV/Aids: Truckers from the National Route 11 in Argentina”
The World Bank. April 2008 – May 2008.
“Supporting Policy Decision Making at the Municipal Level. Youth Health Perception and Priority Setting in Argentina”
Fundación Quilmes. September 2007-September 2008.
“Local Health Systems in Argentina: Social Insurance, Contracting Methods and Payment Mechanisms”
Multicentric Collaborative Study (Coordinator). Ramón Carrillo – Arturo Oñativia Fellowship, Health Research Comission, Ministry of Health, Argentine Government. May 2007 – August 2008.
“Technical Document on Financing Health Sector Reforms: A systematized analysis of models and key experiences in Latin America and Europe”
EUROSOCIAL. March – May 2007.
“Labor Disputes and Governability in Latin America Health Sector”
IDRC. March 2006 – August 2007. abstract | executive abstract
“Financial Resources Allocated to Health Research in Argentina. Strenghtening the Forum for Health Research in Argentina. The 10/90 Gap”
Pan American Health Organization. December 2005 – March 2007. abstract | executive abstract
“Cancer Mortality and the Oncology Stakeholder’s Analysis in Argentina”
Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC) – Roche Pharmaceuticals. 2006.
“Analysis of a Basic Package of Public Health Interventions in Argentina”
World Bank. June 2005 – August 2007.