“Health Expenditures and the Provintial Social Insurance Institutes”
Ministry of Economy, Secretariat of Relations with the Provinces, Argentina. November 2000 – September 2001.
“Social Health Insurance in Latin America and the Caribbean”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project. Bethesda, MD, USA. February 1999 – January 2001. document
“Household Surveys and Maternal & Child Health Care: A Methodological Discussion and Data Analysis”
MECOVI, Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 2000 - January 2001.
“Bolivia: Decentralization in Social Sectors”
Inter-American Development Bank, Country Department, Social Sectors Area. June - December 2000.
“Primary Health Care in Argentina: Incentives, Health Care Services Organization and Effectiveness”
Inter-American Development Bank, Southern Cone, Social Sectors Department. June - December 2000.
“Cost and Effectiveness Indicators. PROMIN (Maternal and Child Program)”
Ministry of Health, Argentina. April - June 2000.
“Costing of a Basic Package of Health Care Services. A Methodology for the Dominican Republic”
George Washington University. January - April 2000.
“Analysis of International Mechanisms Supporting Immunization Programs: The Pan American Health Organization Revolving Fund”
Abt Associates – GAVI Financing Task Force. Bethesda, MD, USA. October 1999 – December 2000. document | abstract
“Measuring the Impact of Reforms in Education. Experiences from South East Asia”
The World Bank. March – July 1999.
“Health Care Reform in Rwanda: Social Insurance and Provider Payment Mechanisms”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project. Bethesda, MD, USA. May 1999 – January 2001. document
“Monitoring and Evaluation: Indicators Design in the Honduras’ Health Care Reform”
Abt Associates, Proyect “Partnerships for Health Reform”. Bethesda, MD, USA. Dicember 1999 - April 2000.
“Immunization Financing in Colombia. Impact of Health Care Reform”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project / Pan-American Health Organization. Bethesda, MD, USA. November 1998 – February 2000. document
“Health Care Reform in Dominican Republic: Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project. Bethesda, MD, USA. February 1998 – January 2000.
“Impact of Provider Payment Mechanisms in Developing Countries”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project. Bethesda MD, USA. June 1997 – February 2000. document | abstract
“Market Structure and Provider Payment Mechanisms in Health Care: Experiences from Mendoza, Argentina”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project. Bethesda, MD, USA. 1998 - 2000. document | abstract
“Primer on Equity in Health Care”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project. Bethesda, MD, USA. May 1998 – December 1999. document
“Organizational Issues in Latin American Health Care Systems”
Inter-American Development Bank, Office of the Chief Economist. Washington DC, USA. February 1996 – February 1997.
“Behavior and Rationality in Economics. Topics in Industrial Organization”
General Sarmiento University, Buenos Aires, Argentina. June - October 1995.
“Role of the Government in Pharmaceutical Industry”
The World Bank, Human Development Department. Washington DC, USA. Internship Program. June - August 1995.