Social Determinants of Health

Social Determinants of Health

“Determinants of Consumption in Pharmaceuticals. The Argentine Pharmaceutical Sector and the Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Drugs Production”

Argentine’s National Chamber of Pharmaceuticals. January 2013 – July 2013.

Posted in Argentina, Concluded projects, Primary Health Care Networks, Program Evaluation, Provincial Health Systems in Argentina, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Social Determinants of Health, Social Health Insurance | Comments Off on “Determinants of Consumption in Pharmaceuticals. The Argentine Pharmaceutical Sector and the Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Drugs Production”

“Urban Health Networks and Perinatal Health Risk in the Argentine North-West”

Ministry of Health of the Province of Salta. December 2012 – July 2013.

Posted in Argentina, Concluded projects, Primary Health Care Networks, Program Evaluation, Provincial Health Systems in Argentina, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Social Determinants of Health, Social Health Insurance | Comments Off on “Urban Health Networks and Perinatal Health Risk in the Argentine North-West”

“Methodology for Measuring Reproductive and Maternal and Child Health Expediture in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Pan American Health Organization. December 2012 – March 2013.

Posted in Concluded projects, Financing and Equity, Health in Childhood and Adolescence, Policy Making Process/Stakeholder Analysis, Primary Health Care Networks, Program Evaluation, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Social Determinants of Health, Social Health Insurance | Comments Off on “Methodology for Measuring Reproductive and Maternal and Child Health Expediture in Latin America and the Caribbean”

“Structure and Performance of Perinatal Hospital Networks. The Case of the Province of Buenos Aires”

World Bank. April 2012 – September 2012

Posted in Argentina, Concluded projects, Policy Making Process/Stakeholder Analysis, Primary Health Care Networks, Program Evaluation, Provincial Health Systems in Argentina, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Social Determinants of Health | Comments Off on “Structure and Performance of Perinatal Hospital Networks. The Case of the Province of Buenos Aires”

“Health Expediture and Future Scenarios”

OSIM. February 2012 – September 2012.

Posted in Argentina, Concluded projects, Financing and Equity, Policy Making Process/Stakeholder Analysis, Primary Health Care Networks, Social Determinants of Health, Social Health Insurance | Comments Off on “Health Expediture and Future Scenarios”

“Food Expenditure and Poverty in Argentina”

World Bank. January 2012 – March 2012.

Posted in Applied Industrial Organization, Concluded projects, Financing and Equity, Food and Nutrition Policy, Social Determinants of Health | Tagged | Comments Off on “Food Expenditure and Poverty in Argentina”

“Adolescent´s Needs and Access to Health Services in Northern Argentina”

Multicenter Collaborative Study (Coordinator). Scholarships Ramón Carrillo – Arturo Oñativia, Health Research Commission, Ministry of Health, Argentine Government. March 2011 – August 2012 abstract

Posted in Argentina, Concluded projects, Food and Nutrition Policy, Health in Childhood and Adolescence, Primary Health Care Networks, Provincial Health Systems in Argentina, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Social Determinants of Health | Comments Off on “Adolescent´s Needs and Access to Health Services in Northern Argentina”

“Organization, Financing and Equity in Health Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean”

UNICEF. July 2011 – August 2012.

Posted in Comparative Health Care Systems, Concluded projects, Financing and Equity, Latin America Health, Social Determinants of Health, Social Health Insurance | Comments Off on “Organization, Financing and Equity in Health Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean”

“Strategic Alliances for Health System Development in Alderetes, Tucumán”

Inter-American Foundation (IAF) 2008 – 2010.

Posted in Concluded projects, Policy Making Process/Stakeholder Analysis, Primary Health Care Networks, Program Evaluation, Provincial Health Systems in Argentina, Social Determinants of Health | Comments Off on “Strategic Alliances for Health System Development in Alderetes, Tucumán”

“Nutritional Strategies in Argentina”

Inter-American Development Bank. April 2009 – January 2010.

Posted in Concluded projects, Food and Nutrition Policy, Program Evaluation, Provincial Health Systems in Argentina, Social Determinants of Health | Comments Off on “Nutritional Strategies in Argentina”

“Ex-ante Evaluation United Nations Program for Development (UNDP)”

FEAPS Program, Ministry of Health of the Nation, Argentina. United Nations Program for Development (UNDP). March – April 2009. abstract

Posted in Concluded projects, Food and Nutrition Policy, Program Evaluation, Provincial Health Systems in Argentina, Social Determinants of Health | Comments Off on “Ex-ante Evaluation United Nations Program for Development (UNDP)”

“Social Development and Public-Private Partnerships: A Microdata Evaluation of the PROAME Social Program in Argentina”

OVE-Inter American Development Bank, August 2007 – March 2008.

Posted in Concluded projects, Financing and Equity, Program Evaluation, Social Determinants of Health | Comments Off on “Social Development and Public-Private Partnerships: A Microdata Evaluation of the PROAME Social Program in Argentina”

“Supporting Policy Decision Making at the Municipal Level. Youth Health Perception and Priority Setting in Argentina”

Fundación Quilmes. September 2007-September 2008.

Posted in Argentina, Concluded projects, Health in Childhood and Adolescence, Policy Making Process/Stakeholder Analysis, Primary Health Care Networks, Provincial Health Systems in Argentina, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Social Determinants of Health | Comments Off on “Supporting Policy Decision Making at the Municipal Level. Youth Health Perception and Priority Setting in Argentina”

“Milenium Development Goals and the Argentine Equity Gap in Water and Sanitation, 1991-2001”

Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth. Argentina. July-September 2007. abstract

Posted in Argentina, Concluded projects, Primary Health Care Networks, Program Evaluation, Social Determinants of Health | Comments Off on “Milenium Development Goals and the Argentine Equity Gap in Water and Sanitation, 1991-2001”

“Trends in the Allocation of Health Resources in Argentina”

Center for the Study of State and Society (CEDES) – Roche Pharmaceuticals. July – January 2007. abstract

Posted in Comparative Health Care Systems, Concluded projects, Financing and Equity, Latin America Health, Social Determinants of Health, Social Health Insurance | Comments Off on “Trends in the Allocation of Health Resources in Argentina”

“Financial Resources Allocated to Health Research in Argentina. Strenghtening the Forum for Health Research in Argentina. The 10/90 Gap”

Pan American Health Organization. December 2005 – March 2007. abstract | executive abstract

Posted in Argentina, Concluded projects, Policy Making Process/Stakeholder Analysis, Program Evaluation, Social Determinants of Health | Comments Off on “Financial Resources Allocated to Health Research in Argentina. Strenghtening the Forum for Health Research in Argentina. The 10/90 Gap”

“Increasing Healthcare Access to Uncovererd Sectors: Strengthening Citizen Participation in Health Care Management, Alderetes, Tucumán”

Inter-American Foundation (IAF). August 2004 – June 2006.

Posted in Argentina, Concluded projects, Policy Making Process/Stakeholder Analysis, Primary Health Care Networks, Provincial Health Systems in Argentina, Social Determinants of Health | Comments Off on “Increasing Healthcare Access to Uncovererd Sectors: Strengthening Citizen Participation in Health Care Management, Alderetes, Tucumán”