“Evaluation of the Primary Health Care Program in the City of Buenos Aires”
Center for the Study of State and Society (CEDES). September 2006 – February 2007. abstract
“Financial Resources Allocated to Health Research in Argentina. Strenghtening the Forum for Health Research in Argentina. The 10/90 Gap”
Pan American Health Organization. December 2005 – March 2007. abstract | executive abstract
“Cancer Mortality and the Oncology Stakeholder’s Analysis in Argentina”
Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC) – Roche Pharmaceuticals. 2006.
“Analysis of a Basic Package of Public Health Interventions in Argentina”
World Bank. June 2005 – August 2007.
“Increasing Healthcare Access to Uncovererd Sectors: Strengthening Citizen Participation in Health Care Management, Alderetes, Tucumán”
Inter-American Foundation (IAF). August 2004 – June 2006.
“Primary Health Care Program. Diagnosis of the Provincial Public Health Care System and the Role of the its Social Security Institute”
Government of the Province of Córdoba, Argentina. November 2002 – December 2006.
“Distribution of Primary Health Care Centers in Argentina”
CIPPEC Foundation. April – August 2006. abstract
“Mandatory HIV/AIDS Testing and Discrimination in the Argentine Labour Market”
World Bank –International Labour Organization. June 2005 – December 2005. abstract
“The Economics of Regulation in Pension Markets: a Theoretical Perspective”
Superintendency of Pensions Funds in Argentina, Department of Economics, University of Buenos Aires. March – August 2005.
“Provincial Social Insurance. The Case of Tierra del Fuego”
Argentine Chamber of Pharmaceutical Producers (CAEMe). August 2004 – May 2006. abstract
“Comportamiento Estratégico en el Mercado Argentino de AFJP”
Investigador Principal, Superintendencia de AFJP – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Septiembre – Diciembre 2004.
“Effectiveness in the Implementation of Health Programs in Latin America. The Pharmaceutical Remediar Program in Argentina”
Inter-American Development Bank – Oversight Division. December 2003 – December 2004. abstract | executive abstract
“Risk Pooling Strategies in Health Care. The Argentine Experience”
The World Bank. December 2003 – June 2004.
“Economies of Scale and Barriers to Entry in the Argentinean Pensions Market”
Investigador Principal, Superintendencia de AFJP – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Octubre 2003 – Marzo 2004. abstract
“Health Financing, Decentralization, and Reforms in Sexual and Reproductive Health”
Ford Foundation-Mc. Arthur Foundation. Women´s Health Project. The Initiative for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Health Care Reform. August 2002 – August 2003.
“Social Health Insurance in the Latin American’s Southern Cone”
Latin American Center for Human Economy (CLAEH – Uruguay). November 2002 – February 2003.
“Macroeconomic, Sectoral and Microeconomic Aspects for a National Strategy towards Development: The Industry of Automotive Parts and Componets in Argentina”
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2002 – February 2003.
“Argentina Health Sector Diagnosis: Inter-Provincial Equity and Public Sector Behavior”
The World Bank, Latin America Social Sector Department. February – July 2002. abstract
“Health Expenditures and the Provintial Social Insurance Institutes”
Ministry of Economy, Secretariat of Relations with the Provinces, Argentina. November 2000 – September 2001.
“Household Surveys and Maternal & Child Health Care: A Methodological Discussion and Data Analysis”
MECOVI, Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 2000 – January 2001.