Latin America Health
“Result Based Financing in Latin America. Lessons for the Seguro Popular in México”
Consultant, Price Waterhouse Coopers. December 2013 – January 2014.
“Organization, Financing and Equity in Health Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean”
UNICEF. July 2011 – August 2012.
“The Central America Pharmaceutical Market. Policy Debate”
The World Bank. December 2009 – June 2010.
“Results-Based Financing, Primary Health Care Program in Panama”
World Bank. June – August 2009.
“Evaluating a Basic Package of Primary Health Care Services in Panama”
World Bank. Panama. March – April 2008.
“Public Funding for Health Research. A Latin American Comparison”
(Coordinator), Global Forum for Health Research. July 2008 – March 2009. document | abstract document
“Technical Document on Financing Health Sector Reforms: A systematized analysis of models and key experiences in Latin America and Europe”
EUROSOCIAL. March – May 2007.
“Labor Disputes and Governability in Latin America Health Sector”
IDRC. March 2006 – August 2007. abstract | executive abstract
“Trends in the Allocation of Health Resources in Argentina”
Center for the Study of State and Society (CEDES) – Roche Pharmaceuticals. July – January 2007. abstract
“Determinants of Inmmunization Coverage Financing Mechanisms and Costs. Study of the National Inmunization Program in Paraguay”
World Bank. November 2004 – December 2005. abstract
“Análisis Comparativo de Sistemas de Salud: América Latina, Europa y Estados Unidos”
Investigador Principal, Fundación OSDE. Junio – Diciembre 2004.
Public Contracting of NGOs in El Salvador
Investigador Principal, PHR Plus. Mayo – Octubre 2004. abstract
“Equity Gap, Decentralization and the Strategy for Poverty Reduction in Bolivia”
Inter American Development Bank, Office of the Country Economist. November 2002 – August 2003.
“Health Financing, Decentralization, and Reforms in Sexual and Reproductive Health”
Ford Foundation-Mc. Arthur Foundation. Women´s Health Project. The Initiative for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Health Care Reform. August 2002 – August 2003.
“Social Health Insurance in the Latin American’s Southern Cone”
Latin American Center for Human Economy (CLAEH – Uruguay). November 2002 – February 2003.
“Health Sector Reforms and Sexual and Reproductive Health. Experiences from Argentina and Chile”
Center for the Study of State and Society (CEDES – Argentina). August 2002 – February 2003.
“Evaluation of Health Reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean. An Analytical Framework”
Inter-American Development Bank. Social Sectors Strategy Department. February – July 2002.
“Costing Methodology in Immunization Programs for Latin American and the Caribbean”
Pan-American Health Organization, Vaccination Department. January – March 2002.
“Bolivia: Organization of the Social Security Institutions. Notes for a Monitoring and Evaluation Methodology”
Inter-American Development Bank, Social Sectors Strategy Department. November 2001 – January 2002.
“Social Health Insurance in Latin America and the Caribbean”
Abt Associates, ‘Partnerships for Health Reform’ Project. Bethesda, MD, USA. February 1999 – January 2001. document