Applied Industrial Organization
“Result Based Financing in Latin America. Lessons for the Seguro Popular in México”
Consultant, Price Waterhouse Coopers. December 2013 – January 2014.
Identifying Public-Private Partnerships in the Production of Medicines. The Case of Argentina
Coordinador, Cámara Industrial de Laboratorios Faracéuticos Argentinos. Diciembre 2012 – Agosto 2013. abstract
“Food Expenditure and Poverty in Argentina”
World Bank. January 2012 – March 2012.
“Organization and Financing of the Health System of Neuquen, Argentina”
Ramon Carrillo Scholarship. Ministry of Health, Argentina. 2011-2012
“Methodology for Estimating the Mandatory Health Medical Program in Argentina”
(Coordinator) Superintendent of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Argentina. August 2011 – January 2012.
“Consumption Patterns, Market Characteristics and Regulation in the Pharmaceutical Industry.Evidence from two Therapeutic Groups in Insured Populatio”
Consultor, Superintendencia de Servicios de Salud. Ministerio de Salud, Argentina. Julio 2010-Marzo 2011. abstract
“Economies of Scale and the Estimation of Cost Functions in Latin American Pension Markets”
AIOS. 2009 – 2010.
“Regulation and Productivity in the Latin American Retail Market”
Inter American Development Bank (IADB). February 2009 – May 2009.
“Labor Disputes and Governability in Latin America Health Sector”
IDRC. March 2006 – August 2007. abstract | executive abstract
“The Economics of Regulation in Pension Markets: a Theoretical Perspective”
Superintendency of Pensions Funds in Argentina, Department of Economics, University of Buenos Aires. March – August 2005.
“Comportamiento Estratégico en el Mercado Argentino de AFJP”
Investigador Principal, Superintendencia de AFJP – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Septiembre – Diciembre 2004.
“Economies of Scale and Barriers to Entry in the Argentinean Pensions Market”
Investigador Principal, Superintendencia de AFJP – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Octubre 2003 – Marzo 2004. abstract
“Macroeconomic, Sectoral and Microeconomic Aspects for a National Strategy towards Development: The Industry of Automotive Parts and Componets in Argentina”
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2002 – February 2003.
“Measuring the Impact of Reforms in Education. Experiences from South East Asia”
The World Bank. March – July 1999.
“Organizational Issues in Latin American Health Care Systems”
Inter-American Development Bank, Office of the Chief Economist. Washington DC, USA. February 1996 – February 1997.
“Behavior and Rationality in Economics. Topics in Industrial Organization”
General Sarmiento University, Buenos Aires, Argentina. June – October 1995.
“International Prices in Pharmaceuticals, Retail Trade, Regulatory Framework and Social Security’s Discounts”
proposal abstract
“Social Security Institutions and their Discount Policies on Pharmaceuticals”
project abstract