The World Bank, Human Development Department. Washington DC, USA. Internship Program. June -...
In this section you will find all the content hosted in the website, from news to documents and papers.
“Industrial Re-Organization and Strategic Change in the Argentinean Automobile Industry”
Economic Commission for Latin-America and the Caribbean (United Nations). Santiago, Chile. March -...
“Metodología para el Control de Calidad en Drogas, Alimentos y Tecnología”
Consultor, Auditoria General de la Nación. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Julio - Agosto 1994.
“Theoretical Aspects of the Argentinean Industrial Organization”
Economic Commission for Latin-America and the Caribbean (United Nations). Buenos Aires, Argentina....
“Pharmaceutical Market and Patents in Latin America”
United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Buenos Aires, Argentina. July - August 1992.
“Pharmaceutical Market and Patents in Argentina”
United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Buenos Aires, Argentina. May - August 1991.
“Resource Allocation in Health; Efficiency and Equity”
Argentinean Ministry of Economics/Economic Commission for Latin-America and the Caribbean (United...
“Social Public Expenditures in Argentina: The Public-Private Health Care Mix”
Torcuato Di Tella Institute/U.N.D.P. Buenos Aires, Argentina. December 1989 - January 1990.
“Argentinean National Health Accounts”
Economic Commission for Latin-America and the Caribbean United Nations”, Buenos Aires, Argentina....
“Effectiveness of Argentinean Public Expenditures”
United Nations. Development Program (UNDP). December 1988 - May 1989.
“Technological Innovation and Health Markets”
Economic Commission for Latin-America and the Caribbean, United Nations, Buenos Aires, Argentina....
“Argentinean National Accounts: Retail Margins in Local Trade”
Economic Commission for Latin-America and the Caribbean United Nations. Buenos Aires, Argentina....
“Evaluating the Argentine Program devoted to the Prevention and Early Detection of the Colorectal Cancer”
proposal abstract
“Evaluating the Program devoted to Prevent the Cervix-Uterus Cancer. The Case of the Province of Tucumán, Argentina”
proposal abstract
“International Prices in Pharmaceuticals, Retail Trade, Regulatory Framework and Social Security’s Discounts”
proposal abstract
“Social Security Institutions and their Discount Policies on Pharmaceuticals”
project abstract
“Wages and contractual mechanisms for Physicians in the Argentine Public Health Care System”
project abstract
“Catrastrophic and Empoverishing Health Care Expenditures in Argentina”
Researcher. The World Bank. August-September 2013. proposal abstract | see more
“Effects of Aging in Argentina on the National Health Care System”
World Bank. November 2012-January 2014. see more

Senior Researcher
CEDES (Center for the Study of State and Society), Argentina. Since 1999. see more
Chamber of Provintial Representatives, webpage 23/5/14 see more