
Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Global

Cape Town, South Africa, September 30th – October 3rd, 2014 Patients' choice of providers as a signal of quality of care. Evidence of twelve public hospitals in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina Relevance of women's characteristics in supporting...

Annual International Forum on Policy and Decision Making

Athens Institute for Education and Research Athens, Greece, 17-20 June, 2013 "Urban Health Networks and Perinatal Health Risk in Argentina” “Needs and Access to Health Services Among Adolescents in Northern Argentina”

Argentine Minitry of Health

Workshop on Adolescents and Health, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 11th, 2012 “Needs and Access to Health Services Among Adolescents in Northern Argentina”

ISPOR 5th Asia-Pacific Conference

Taipei, Taiwan, 2-4 September 2012 “Consumption Patterns, Traditional Market and Regulation of Pharmaceuticals. Evidence for two Therapeutic Groups in Insured Population

Argentine Health Network

Posadas, Argentina, August 30th, 2012 "Decentralization, Financing and Equity in the Argentine Health System”

13th World Congress on Public Health

World Federation of Public Health Associations Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 23-27, 2012 “Public Financing of Health Research in Five Latin American Countries" “Consumption Patterns, Market Characteristics and Regulation of Pharmaceuticals. Evidence for Two Therapeutic...

10th Annual International Conference

Industrial Organization Arlington, March 16-18, 2012 “Prescription Patterns, Market Structure and Regulation in Pharmaceuticals. Experiences from Argentina”

IV International Conference.

International Society for Equity in Health Pre-Conference Events. Cartagena. September 2011. Montevideo Chapter: "Health Systems in Latin America and Its Impact on Equity" Panama Chapter: “Health Equity in the Regional Agenda” San Jose de Costa Rica Chapter: "Overview...

16th Annual International Meeting.

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Evaluating the Performance of an Innovative Public Health Insurance: the case of a Decentralizes Province in Argentina

14 th Congress of Public Health Research

Cuernavaca, México. March 2011 Economic crisis, public policy and health spending. The Experience of Argentina. Actors, Contracts and Payment Mechanisms: The Case of the Health System of Salta Actors, Contracts and Payment Mechanisms: The Case of the Health System of...

First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

World Health Organization (WHO) Montreux, Switzerland. November 2010. Evolution of Households Expenditures and Access to Health Care Services in Argentina Evaluating the Performance of an Innovative Public Healt Insurance: The Case of a Decentralized Province in...

IDEA 46th Symposium

"Consensus for Development" October 14, 2010. Mar del Plata. "Financing, Equity and Organization of the argentinean Halthcare System".