The International Journal For Equity in Health (IJEqH) appointed Daniel Maceira as Chief Editor, last February. Together with Dr. Lorena Ruano, a researcher at the Center for International Health at the University of Bergen, Norway, they will be in charge of continuing to promote this editorial space, whose central axis is the analysis of health systems and health care at a global level and its impact on access and equity.
For the new Chief Editor, the vision remains the same: “Continue positioning IJEqH as an influential platform to disseminate relevant studies dedicated to providing critical thinking, promoting academic debates and building bridges to improve the process of elaboration of policies”. In addition, he reinforced that it also entails the challenge of “identifying, analyzing, measuring and communicating equity problems at the local, national, regional and transregional level through new topics, prioritizing multidisciplinary research to promote health care”.

Daniel Maceira has participated as a member of the Editorial Board of IJEqH, has been Co-Editor of a special edition on Health Disparities for the Latin American and Caribbean region and is former President of the International Society for Equity in Health.
The International Journal For Equity in Health was born in 2002 with the aim of addressing issues related to equity in health systems. Specifically, it seeks to give visibility to those investigations that deepen the analysis of social, economic, behavioral or biological factors that have an impact at the individual and community level on the health of disadvantaged populations.