
Ph.D. in Economics from Boston University, with fields in health economics and industrial organization. Maceira received his bachelor degree in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and completed his M.A. in Economics at the Di Tella Institute in Argentina. He is currently Senior Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Department of Economics, Independent Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET), Senior Researcher at the Center for the Study of State and Society (CEDES) and Director of the MBA-Health at the University of San Andrés.

In 2016 he was elected Board Member of Health Systems Global, the international society for health programs and systems research, playing the roles of Executive Board Member, Treasurer, Coordinator of the Regional Expansion Committee, and Chair of the Program Working Group for the 2022 Global Symposium. Reelected in 2020, he keep holding the Chair for The Americas and the Co-Chair of the Regional Expansion Committee until November 2024. Maceira has collaborated with a wide array of institutions, such as the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC); UNICEF; the Pan-American Health Organization; The World Bank; The World Health Organization; Wellcome Trust; the Gates Foundation; the Inter-American Development Bank; the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); the United Nations Development Program (UNDP); USAID; the Inter-American Foundation (IAF); the Global Development Network; the Global Fund for HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis; the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI Alliance), among others.

He has numerous national and international peer review publications and coordinated many research projects and technical assistance initiatives in developing countries, particularly in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, particularly in Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, México, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, and Uruguay.

Maceira was recipient of scholarships from the Ford Foundation, the Government of Japan Scholarship Program, the Rosestein-Rodan Scholarship Program (Boston University) and the Adenauer Foundation. He has been Board Member of the Political Economy Argentine Association (AAEP), Member of the Health Research Forum for Argentina: 10/90 Gap (FISA), member of the Scientific Committee of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA) and the European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE). He is also Member of the Directive Board of the Master Program in Health Care Administration of the Latin American Center for Human Economy (CLAEH) in Uruguay. In addition, Maceira participates as member of the Editorial Board or Guest Editor of several international journals, such as Health Policy and Planning, International Journal for Equity in Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters and Globalization and Health, as well as Advisory Member of the Community-of-Practice, University of West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago.

Between 2009 and 2011 was elected President of the International Society for Equity in Health (ISEqH), become part of its Directive Council between 2011-2013. Between 2004 and 2010 was Director of the Health Policy Department at the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC) in Argentina. Between 2020 and 2022 acted as Director of the Health Policy Department at Fundar, an Argentinean think-tank.

Maceira has also collaborated in postgraduate programs in several national and provincial universities in Argentina, such as the Masters in Public Policy at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, the Masters in Design and Management of Public Policies at FLACSO, the Latin American University for Social Sciences, the Master in Health Management at the National University of La Matanza, the Master Program in Public Health and Regulatory Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires / ANMAT, the Masters in Public Health at the National University of Salta, Health Economics postgraduate program at the National University of the South, the Health Management Program at the University of San Pablo, at Tucumán, Master in Public Health of the National University of Tucumán, Postgraduate program in Health Economics and Management at the National University of Mar del Plata. He also thought at the School of Government, Leadership Program of the Austral University, and participated in professional actualization programs at the Gutierrez Pediatric Public Hospital and the Sardá Maternal Hospital, both in the City of Buenos Aires. In 2014 he was the academic co-coordinator of the Postgraduate Program on Health Management organized by FLACSO (the Latin-American University of Social Sciences)/Plan Sumar (Ministry of Health), Argentina. He has been director of more than seventy thesis (undergraduate, and postgraduate in Masters and Doctorate programs).

Maceira currently plays the role of Chief Editor at the International Journal for Equity in Health and is Member of the Council of the initiative Strengthening Latin American and Caribbean Research Capacities in Health Programs and Systems, funded by the Government of Norway, coordinated by the University of Bergen, the Universidad Javeriana from Bogota, Colombia and CEDES.

His areas of expertise are related to financial protection mechanisms in health and health systems organizations and performance in developing countries, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean. Maceira’s areas of interest are access and equity, and the evaluation of public programs devoted to efficiently allocation of resources. He maintains several areas of research, such as provider payment mechanisms, incentives and contracts in health, sexual and reproductive health policies and outcomes, adolescent health, access to medicines, nutritional programs and sustainable food systems.