(E): English, (S): Spanish
- Maceira, D., Quintero, R.E.P., Suarez, P. et al. Primary health care as a tool to promote equity and sustainability; a review of Latin American and Caribbean literature. Int J Equity Health 23, 91 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-024-02149-9 (I) – Read article
- “Acceptability and continuation of use of the subdermal contraceptive implant among adolescents and young women in Argentina: a retrospective cohort study (lead author). Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters”, Vol.31, No.1, 2023.
https://doi.org/10.1080/26410397.2023.2189507 - “A multinational Delphi consensus to end the COVID-19 public health threat. (coautor) Nature, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05398-2
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05398-2 (E) - “Latin America and the Caribbean. Equity and Quality facing the challenge of fragmentation”, Revista de Salud Pública, Universidad de Antioquia, 24(1): 1-8, 2022. (S)
- “Reducing the Equity Gap in Child Health Care and Health System Reforms in Latin America”, (primer autor), International Journal for Equity in Health, (2022) 21:29
https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-021-01617-w. (E) - “A health systems resilience research agenda: Moving from concept to practice”, coauthor, BMJ Global Health, August 2021 (E)
- “Latin America and the Caribbean and their health care systems facing COVID-19. Expected challenges facing an unexpected scenario”, Pensamiento Propio, Revista del CRIES, no.52 (249-261), July- December 2020. (S)
- “What role can health policy and systems research play in supporting responses to COVID-19 that strengthen socially just health systems?” (coautor), Health Policy and Planning, Volume 35, Issue 9, Noviembre 2020, Pag 1231–1236,
https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czaa112 (E) - “Improving health care quality for indigenous women in Argentina, México y Perú” (co-author), Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, México, Universidad Autónoma de Morelos, México, Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad, Argentina y Universidad Cayetano Heredia, Perú. México 2020. (E)
- “Characterization of the Argentine Health Care System. A Latin American regional context debate”. Revista Estado y Políticas Públicas No. 14, Year IV, Pg 155-179 May-September 2020.
https:// revistaeypp.flacso.org.ar/files/revistas/1590800112_155-179.pdf (S) - “Equity in Rights, Federalism and Adolescent Health. The Case of Five Provinces of the Argentinean North” (first co-author). In Revista Escenarios, n° 27, in press (S)
- “Adolescent Health Care in the Province of Chaco. Needs, Stakeholders and Policies” (first co-author). Revista de Prácticas y Discursos. Centro de Estudios Sociales Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, vol.8, no.11 (2019). (S)
- “Adolescent Health. The Perspective of Institutional Stakeholders in Northern Argentina”. (first co-author) Paradigms, Perceptions and Programs”, (first co-author), Revista de Salud Pública de Córdoba. 2019; vol.23, no 1: 10-25 (S)
- “Decentralization and the Structure of Medical Salaries in Argentina. A comparative analysis in five jurisdictions”, (first coauthor) Revista Argentina de Salud Pública, 2017; 8(30): 26-32. (S) “Cost-effectiveness of screening for colorectal cancer in Argentina”, (coauthor) Acta Gastroenterológica Latinoamericana, vol.46, no.1, 2016. (S)
- “Assessing Latin America’s Progress Toward Achieving Universal Health Coverage”,(coauthor) Health Affairs, vol.34-no.10, 2015. (E)
- “Expanding the evidence base to inform vaccine introduction: program costing and cost-effectiveness analyses.” (first coauthor), Vaccine, vol.33-sup.1. May 2015. (E)
- “The Drivers of Facility-based Immunization Performance and Costs. An application to Moldova. The Drivers of Facility-based Immunization Performance and Costs. An application to Moldova.” (coauthor), Vaccine, vol.33-sup.1. May 2015. (E).
- “Costs of routine immunization services in Moldova: Findings of a facility-based costing study”, (coauthor), Vaccine, Vol.33Sup-A60-65, 2015. (E).
- “Adolescents in Nortern Argentina: Needs and Access to Health Services”, (first coauthor), Revista Argentina de Salud Pública, vol.5, no.20, September 2014. (S)
- “Duopoly, Differentiation and Scale: A Cost Structure Study of Private Pensions Funds in Bolivia” (first coauthor), Latin-American Journal of Economic Development, no.21, May 2014 (S).
- “Contracts, Payment Mechanisms and Bargaining Power. The case of the Health Care System of Córdoba”, (first coauthor), National University of Córdoba, Revista de Salud Pública, vol. XVII, 4:21-30, 2013 (S).
- “Actors, Contracts and Payment Mechanisms. The case of the Health Care System of Neuquén”, (first coauthor) Estudios Económicos, vol. XXX (N.S.), no. 60, enero-junio 2013, pgs. 3-35 (S).
- “Health Systems Global, the New International Society for Health Systems Reasearch” (first co-author), Health Policy and Planning, 2012 (E).
- “Strengthening networks of health care in the third level. Learnings from the Argentine case”, Medicina y Sociedad, Vol. 32, No3, September 2012 (S).
- “Household catastrophic health expenditures: A comparative analysis of twelve Latin American and Caribbean Countries”, (co-author) Revista Salud Pública de México, Vol. 53(2):85-95, Septiember 2011 (E)
- “Stakeholder Analysis in the Argentine Oncological Sector” (Coauthor) Journal of Public Health, (XV), Cordoba, Argentina 1: 17-28, June 2011 (S)
- “Evaluating Public Health Intervention. The Public Production of Drugs”, (first co-author) Argentina Journal of Public Health, March 2011 (S)
- “The International Society for Equity in Health: 10 years on”, (author) International Journal for Equity in Health, February 2011. (E)
- “Why is it important to support provincial health insurance systems?” Medicina y Sociedad,Year 31 , No1, 2011. (S)
- “Morphology of the Health Care System in Tucumán” (first co-author) Journal of the Medical College of Tucumán, Vol. 16, No. 2, December 2010. (S)
- “Primary Health Care Centers: Radiography of their Distribution in Argentina” (first co-author) Medicina y Sociedad, Year 30 , No4, 2010. (S)
- “Nutritional Public Policy Interventions in 25 Years of Democracy”, (first co-author) Cuban Journal of Public Health. Vol. 37 No. 1 de 2011. (S)
- “Public Funding of Health Research in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay”. (first co-author) Pan American Journal of Health, 2010.
- “Actors, Contracts and Payment Mechanisms: The Case of the Health Care System Salta”, (first co- author) Economic Studies, No 54, Vol.XXVII, January-June 2010.
- “Compulsory test of HIV / AIDS and Discrimination at Work: The Case of Buenos Aires City”, (first co- author), Perspectivas Bioéticas, FLACSO, in press, 2010.
- “Evolution of Public Health Investment in Argentina”. Revista de Salud Pública, University of Colombia, 2010.
- “Unequal access to health service in Argentina”. Revista del CLAEH, Uruguay, in press, 2010.
- “Local Health Systems: Analysis of the relationship between insurance, contracting and payment mechanisms in Cordoba, Salta and Tucumán”. (first co-author). Revista Argentina de Salud Pública No 2 Vol 1, pp. 13-17, March 2010. (S)
- “Nutritional Inequities among Provinces”, Medicina y Sociedad, Year 28 , No1, March 2009.
- “Controlling the Epidemic a Shared Plan of Action”, Editorial, Medicina y Sociedad, Year 28, No2, June 2009.
- “The Limits of the Bureaucratic System and Informal Practices in Hospital Organizations”, (Coauthor) Medicina y Sociedad, Year 28 , No2, June 2009.
- “Public Funding of Health Research in Argentina” in Desarrollo Económico, Volume 48, No189, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008. (S)
- “Public Funding of Health Research in Argentina”, in Burke, M., de Francisco, A. y Matlin, S. (eds),
- “Monitoring Financial Flows for Health Research. Global Forum for Health Research, 2008.
- “Market Structure and Provider Payment Mechanisms in Health Care: Experiences from Mendoza, Argentina, 1989-1999”, (co-authored), in Desarrollo Económico, Volume 43, No171, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2003. (S)
- “Institutions, Productive Organization and Competence: The Case of Imaging Diagnosis Services”, in Económica, No 21-2, La Plata, Argentina, 1991. (S)
- “Infant Mortality and the Organization of Newborn Care Services: The Argentinean Case”, (co-authored), in Desarrollo Económico, No. 118, vol. 30, Argentina, 1990. (S)
- “The Structure of Health Markets in Argentina. Notes for a Debate”, (co-authored), in Cuadernos Medico- Sociales, No. 52, Rosario, Argentina, 1990. (S)