Academic honors

Research Grants, Awards and Scholarships

Funds to participate in conferences

Member of the Academic Program Working Group

VIII Global Symposium Nagasaki – Health Systems Global (HSG), since April 2023

Member of the Academic Committee,

Psgraduate Program on Health Economics and Health Services Management Southern National University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Since December 2022.

Visiting Researcher,

University of Bergen, Norway
Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, since November 2022.

Chair of the Program Working Group and Member of the Executive Committee

VII Global Symposium Bogotá

– Health Systems Global (HSG), since April 2021

Member of the Editorial Board,

International Journal for Equity in Health. Since 2011

Advisory Group Member,

British Caribbean Community of Practice University of West Indies
Trinidad and Tobago, since June 2018.

Advisory Group Member, Global Evidence-to-Policy Group

World Health Organization, Geneva. September 2021.

Strategy Committee Member

Journal Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters January – May 2022

Director, Health Policy Department

Fundar (Foundation for the Argentine Development), Since May 2022

Member, Evidence and Recommendation Review Group (ERRG),

Prevention of Unsafe Abortion Unit, World Health Organization, Geneva. Since October 2020.

Member, Advisory Council,

National Program for the Prevention of Excesive Use of Alcohol. Ministry of Health, Argentina. Since 2022.

Member, COVID-19 health financing research agenda

World Health Organization and The World Bank Health Financing Team. Since July 2020.

Member College of Experts,
Department of Health and Social Care / National Institute for Health Research,
Call Global Effort on COVID-19,
United Kingdom, June-September 2020

Member, Core Working Group
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Universal Health Coverage
Department of Reproductive Health and Research
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland, 2019-2020

Member of the Editorial Committee,
Journal Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters
Special Edition, Universal Health Coverage and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rightrs, 2019-2020

Member of the Editorial Committee,
International Journal for Equity in Health
Special Edition on Disparities in Health, Latin America and the Caribbean, 2019-2020

Executive Board Member, Treasurer, and Chair of the Regional Expansion Committee,

Health Systems Global, November 2016-November 2020.

Section Editor on Health Systems
Journal Globalization and Health
. August 2018 – March 2020.

Editorial Board Member
Revista de Investigación Latinoamericana en Salud
Latin American Research Network on Health Policies and Systems (LIPSS)

México, since 2020

Scientific Committee Member,

National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET), Doctoral and pos-doctoral Scholarships and awards, Economics department, Argentina, 2019-2020

Member of the Editorial Board
Journal Health Policy and Planning,
Special Edition on Sustainable Development Goals. 2018/2019. Special Edition on Resilience and Health Systems. 2016/2017.

Member of the Scientific Programme Advisory Committee

1st Symposium on using qualitative evidence in decision making
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Río de Janeiro and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Brasilia, Brazil, 9-11 October, 2019

Latin America and Caribbean Representative

Workshop on Universal Health Coverage and Quality of Health The Academy of Medical Sciences
London, United Kingdom, June 2019

Member, Technical Consultative Group

Integrating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights within Universal Health Coverage National Strategic Plans
Department of Reproductive Health and Research
World Health Organization

Geneva, Switzerland, May 2019

Member of the Scientific Committee

18TH Public Health Congress. “Evidence for primary care and multisectorial policies”, National Institute of Public Health of Mexico,
Cuernavaca, México, March 2019


32nd Meeting of the Policy and Coordination Committee of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/WB Special Program of Research, Development and Training in Human Reproduction.
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland, March 2019

Academic Co-Coordinator,

Latin-American University of Social Sciences (FLACSO) / Sumar Program, Ministry of Health, Argentina, Posgraduate Program on Health Management,
December 2014- July 2015

Latin American Member of the Program Working Group,

Health Systems Global. Fourth World Simposium, Vancouver, Canada, 2015.

Visiting Researcher,

University of Cape Town – University of Western Cape, Sudáfrica
CHESAI (Collaboration for Health Systems Analysis and Innovation) initiative. March-April 2015

Member of the Program Working Group,

Health Systems Global. Third Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa 2014.

Member of the Editorial Board

Journal “Vaccine”,
Special issue on “Expanding the evidence base to inform vaccine introduction: program costing and cost- effectiveness analyses”, 2014.

Member of the Council,

Principal Researcher, Argentina
Latin American Network on Policy Research and Implementation on Health Policies and Systems. Alliance for Health Systems Research, World Health Organization. Since 2013.

Member of the Executive Board,

Political Economy Argentine Association (AAEP). 2006-2012.

Member of the Executive Council,

International Society for Equity in Health (ISEqH). 2012-2013.


International Society for Equity in Health (ISEqH). 2009-2011.

Member of the Scientific Committee,

Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. Beijing 2012.

Distintion QuoVadis Health 2012

IX Argentine Conference on Global Health. November 2012.

Member of the Scientific Committee,

European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE). 2012.

Member of the Editorial Committee,

Global Handbook of Health Economics, University of California at Berkeley, 2011.

Académic Distintion,

National University of Buenos Aires, President of the Superior Council, 2011.

Member of the Consulting Scientific Committee on Health Equity,

World Health Organization, Geneva, 2009-2011

Member of the Latin American Consulting Scientific Committee,

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research (ISPOR), 2008

Member or the Editorial Council,

Revista del Instituto para la Capacitación Profesional. Fortaleza, Brasil. Since 2008

Member of the Regional Committee,

iHEA, International Health Economics Association. 2007-2009.

Member of the Scientifc Committee,

FISA, Argentine Forum on Health Research, [10/90 Gap, Argentine Chapter]. 2005-2010.

Director Health Care Program, Sociel Development Department,

CIPPEC, Center for the Implementation of Public Policies promoting Equity and Growth, Argentina. 2004– 2011.

Member of the Academic Council,

Claeh, Master Program on Health Policy and Management, Latin American Center on Human Economy. Montevideo, Uruguay. Since 2003.

Member of the Selection Committee,

Bi-Annual Prize on Social Medicine, 2007-08, Navarro Viola Foundation, 2007.