Prizes, Research Grants and Scholarships

International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canadá.

“An agenda for action. Transitioning to a Healthy Sustainable Food System in Latin America”. January- December 2021.

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)

“Strengthening Agency & Learning across Health Systems in the Americas”. March 2021-March 2027

International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canadá.

“Healthy Food Systems in Argentina: consumption patterns and public policy desing to enhance healthy behavior”. Proyect Leader. January 2018-April 2021.

Argentine Government, Ministry of Health, Health Research Comission. Multicenter Research Grant.

“Public Policies oriented to reduce alcohol consumption in Argentina”, May 2017 – August 2018.

International Development Research Center (IDRC), Canadá. Grant

“Enhancing health care quality in maternal services for indigenous population. The cases of Argentina, Mexico and Peru”. January 2016- August 2018.

National Institute of Cancer, Argentina. Grant

“Structure, Processes and Results in the Argentine Colorectal Health Care Network. Provincial Studies before Implementing Public Initiatives on Prevention and Early Detection”. May 2016-December 2017.

International Development Research Center (IDRC), Canadá. Grant

“Sugar sweetened Beverages, Health and Taxes in Argentina”. April 2016-August 2017.

Argentine Government, Ministry of Health, Health Research Comission. Multicenter Research Grant.

“Human Resources in Health. Salaries, Contractual Incentives and Working Enviromment in the Public Argentine System”. May 2014 – August 2015.

Alliance for Health Systems Research, World Health Organization.

Regional Grant on “Latin-American Network on Health Policy and Systems Research”, 2013.

Argentine Government, Ministry of Health, Health Research Comission. Multicenter Research Grant.

Principal Researcher. “Needs and Access to Health Services in Northern Argentina”, March 2011-May 2012.

UNESCO-IDB Prize “Best Practices in Youth Policies and Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Initiative “Building citizenship: access to health and rights in adolescence”. September 2009.

Global Development Network (GDN), Grant

“Strengthening Institutions to Improve Public Expenditure”, 2009-2013.

Alliance for Health Systems Research, International Grant

“Basis for an Integrated Health Care System in the Province of Salta, Argentina”, 2009-2010.

Inter American Foundation (IAF), International Award:

“Strategic Alliances for Health Development in Alderetes, Tucumán, Argentina”. 2008-2010.

International Association of Regulatory Organization on Pension Funds (AIOS), International Award,

“Economies of Scale and Estimation of Cost Functions in Pension Markets in Latin America”. 2009-2010.

Argentine Government, Ministry of Health, Health Research Comission. Multicenter Research Grant.

Principal Researcher. “Evaluating the Argentine Public Strategy in Drug Production”, May 2009-August 2010.

Argentine Government, Ministry of Health, Health Research ComissionMulticenter Research Grant,

Principal Researcher, “Market Structure, Payment Mechanisms and Regulation. The Case of Provintial Health Care Insurance Plans”, March 2007-May 2008.

Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development. Global Development Network (GDN),

“Evaluating Public Health Insurance. The Case of Buenos Aires Province”. January 2006-June 2007.

National Agency for the Scientific and Technological Promotion, Ministry of Education, Argentina.

Young Researchers’ Grant Program. November 2002-2003.

National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET), Ministry of Education, Argentina.

Junior Researcher Scholarship, 1987/1989. Advanced Researcher Scholarship, 1989/1991. Assistant Researcher, 1995-2002.
Associate Researcher, 2002 to date.

Boston University, Rosenstein-Rodan Scholarship Program,

Ph.D. Tuition. 1995.

Government of Japan/Inter-American Development Bank Ph.D. Scholarship Program.


Ford Foundation, Doctorate Scholarship Program.

1991 – 1993.